main page.


here you'll find some tours of my minecraft worlds, with commentary!

tour of the minecraft server world i started for the discord group. progress as of july 2024.

playing the "better than adventure" mod on a server for friends, rambling about some things related to the game and what i think of the mod itself.

february UPDATE on the minecraft world.

tour of my most recent world, progress so far as of january 2024. it's a long one... feel free to skip around as you like.

an older one. this video is 18+, just to be safe with some of the RISQUE things i left around, you know. gotta be careful. but keep that in mind.

also as a bonus, here's a playlist i add to sometimes of "obscure minecraft videos from pre-beta-1.8", people showing their builds and stuff. i find these by searching with the "before:[year or specific date] tag, it's very useful for finding this sort of thing. there's some USEFUL TRIVIA for you if you like digging up classic youtube stuff and didn't know already.